Everpure Filter Kit
The same commerical quality that makes Everpure the overwhelming choice for water filtration in restaurants is also available for your home. Everpure's exclusive precoat filtration technology combines Micro-Pure and a unique pleated filter membrane to reduce particles as smalls as 1/2 micron. This highly engineered design offers the largest filtering surface area, longer filter life and consistent performance.
Click here to download technical details.
Pulycaff Detergent (900g)
Puly Caff Powder was the first cleanser specifically designed for group head maintenance (hot water nozzle, basket and porta filter) for a coffee machine's discharge valve, without affecting the chrome metal parts and without leaving any toxic residue in any part of the espresso.
It's also unbeatable for soaking cups and pots because it cleans and eliminates any trace of coffee from ceramics and china without damaging even the most delicate decorations.