The Green Bean House was founded to provide all NZ coffee lovers with the means to produce their own perfect coffee. We believe that the journey to the perfect coffee doesn't end with a great grinder and espresso machine. Coffee lovers can take it one step further and roast their own coffee to their personal taste using just a simple frying pan.
The Green Bean House provides the widest range of green coffee beans available to the NZ home roaster market - ranging from the basics through to limited stocks of specialist beans.
We are the only Authorised Behmor reseller in New Zealand - the Behmor being, in our opinion, the best home roasting machine on the market (best price, highest capacity, best results). We also sell high quality espresso machines and grinders.
We also provide free advice - just ask.
For maximum freshness, personalised flavour, high quality, great value for money and convenience, try roasting your own coffee at home.